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What is a Behavioral Interview? Behavioral interviews are based on the premise that the best way to predict the future is to examine past behavior. Behavioral interviewing is becoming more widespread and many employers prefe...

Friday, 02-Jul-21 01:56:04 UTC

I'm always available for any questions or partnerships you may have in mind:)

Available job opportunities in cameroon

Cameroon doesn't have many opportunities for young people therefore, being supported to follow your passions or getting a part time job like we can in the US isn't really prioritized or available. Many kids sell food items on the street for their families, sell the vegetables they grew and cultivated in their fields and many can barely afford to pay for school. Basil has a family who could help him pay for the small highschool tuition (about $40 a year) from their farm's income but affording to go to college is a huge financial barrier that is very unlikely for him and his family to overcome without help. Basil is 18 and wants to study art at the University of Yaounde (the capital of Cameroon) this upcoming school year, his first year as a university student. He wants to continue exploring and perfecting his talents so that he can continue to become a wonderful artist and create a business for himself. Being able to go to a school like this would give him the tools and the connections to follow his dreams and we have the chance to be a part of that.

Available job opportunities in cameroon today

Last year, Ghana had an average estimated economy growth rate of 13. 6 percent(can't be arsed to find a link of shit I kinda already know so please bear with me). I'm not even getting into South Africa, Kenya and all the other countries which already have a lot going for them. Now I know everyone in this place is mainly interested in E-commerce and blogging all while trying to stick it to the system but we gotta think big here for a moment. When I left Cameroon to come here two years ago, there were a shit ton of chinese(I didn't say asian)workers there already making a ton of money building roads and bridges and shit. I don't even want to imagine how many are in the wealthier countries today but you get the gist. It never occured to me what really was happening as more and more kept coming in but we'd get back to that later. Last year Europe achieved a grand total economic growth rate of 0. 0%( here again I just know it and really can't post a link because I don't even want you guys opening a ton of links for basically nothing;just take my word for it please) and some non-socialists even claim it regressed.

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Available job opportunities in cameroon 2021

Hello Everyone! This page has been made for a reason very close to my heart. A few months ago I finished my Peace Corps service in Cameroon (West Africa). I was the first volunteer to ever live in the village of Banza in the West Region. I spent two wonderful years there and made so many friends and wonderful connections. People think that volunteering is about giving to a community but, I truly recieved more than I was ever able to give. While I was in village I made a connection with Basil. He and I quickly bonded over art, he participated in many activities I had in school and we quickly became friends. He started asking me to borrow my art supplies because he had very little and would update me on every single image he drew with the supplies. I was shocked by how amazing he was without ever taking a single class. He is a tremendous natural talent with an incredible heart that only adds to his character. No matter what I needed help with, he was there every moment. Respectful, responsible and mature.

That's about 500 FCFA where I'm from. You say you got 100, 000 dollars? Well shit, that'd sure get you about a house this large in Nigeria. You get the general point; exchange rate advantage= ^ standard of living. Do not believe all what the media feeds you. There is every damn thing you could possibly need in Africa. Living in the big cities or even the smaller towns wouldn't be very different from what you are used to wherever you currently reside. There are really poor run-down areas no doubt but anyone on a salary of 500 dollars a month is already wealthy enough to be at ease. Also, we know what the fuck Ice cream is. *Girls would always kinda go for the mysterious white guy. Gold diggers as well as just the garden variety but for our F. A brothers, I've no doubt in my mind they'd be finding someone over there if they are into black girls(or white actually; fair few in south eastern Africa). *Shit ton of others I can't write here seeing as this post is getting too long and I really just can't remember.

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